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一、Language points

1.  choose:选中,选出(结果)

     choose from:从…中挑选





2. be similar to

    the same as

3.  light   lit, lit(后置定语、状语、表语,完成时,被动态)

            lighted, lighted(前态一梦otet


4.  celebrate+sth

in celebration of/for the   celebration of:为了庆祝…


5.  give away:离开,赠送

keep away (from):使离开

break away (from):脱离

put away:存储

do away with:处理掉

turn away:解雇

throw away:扔掉

6.  honour  vt. :尊敬,以…为荣

             n. :尊敬,(pl)光荣,荣誉

     in honor of:为了纪念…,尊敬

   a   sense of honour:廉耻心

     show honor to sb:尊敬某人

7.  pain (n.):指一般的疼痛;pains:还有“麻烦,努力”之意

ache (v.):指局部较持久的疼痛,是陷痛;


hurt  vt:伤害


8.  a bit/a little:一点儿,在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词及其比较级

not a bit=not at all

not a little=very much

a bit of  +n.(u)

a little

9.  in a/one word:简言之,总之

in other words:换句话说

in words:用语言,口头上

word (u):消息,诺言

10.  such as:用于列举事物,且只列举部分

     for   example/instance:用来举例说明,不表列举或等同

       namely=that is (to say):即(列举全部)

11.  develop healthy habits:养成健康的习惯

     develop an   interest in sth:培养…的兴趣


       develop from…:从…进化/发展起来

       develop natural resources:开发自然资源

     develop films:冲洗胶卷

12. 现在进行时有时代替一般现在时,表示经常性或重复性的动作,句中常见的副词有:forever, always, repeatedly, constantly, 也用every/each day/year; 这时往往表达一种感情色彩,如:不满,厌烦,赞扬等。

She is always helping others.

The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking.


1. 试题的立意由简单直接的“结构立意”转向了“情景立意”。试题创设的语境明确,交际情景多是以对话的形式出现,并且大多数发生在学生学习和日常生活中的真实情景。

2. 题干中的有效信息不再让人一眼看穿,而是隐藏在字里行间,近几年在这一类考题中,很少在情景中出现明显的时间信息,如时间状语等。

3. 解决时态和语态问题时,可遵循如下解题思路:



4. 四组容易混淆的时态:




4)将来完成时由“shall/will+have done”构成,表示动作或状态延续到将来某一时刻,常用延续性动词,并带有一个表示将来某一时间的状语或状语从句,如:by the end of this month, by then, this time next week, by the time等;将来完成进行时由“shall/will+have been doing”构成,表示某个动作在将来的某个时间以前已经开始,并一直持续进行着。

5. 关于被动语态的几种特殊用法:

1)主动形式表被动:表示感觉或变化的feel, look, smell, sound, taste, turn, prove, get等系动词的主动形式表被动意义;动词let, blame的不定式作表语或定语时,主动形式表被动意义。

2)由“get+过去分词”构成的被动语态:这种形式的被动语态主要用于:①给自己做事(get dressed穿衣);②设法做到自己称心的事(get elected当选);③由于客观原因遇到不尽如人意的事(get burned烧焦);④表示命令(get washed!去洗洗吧)。

3)在表示“(某物)需要”的need, want, require等后的动名词用主动形式表被动。

4)“据说类”的3个被动句型:如果我们要想把话说的谨慎些,可以用下列被动结构:①It is said that…;②There is said to be…;③sb/sth is said to…。能用于这类句型的动词还有believe, think, consider, suppose, hope, suggest, report, know, understand等。

6. 某些固定句式中的动词时态是固定的、约定俗成的:

1This/It is the first/secondtime+that-clause: that从句一般用现在完成时,如果把前边的is改为was, that从句用过去完成时。

2It is/has been+一段时间+since从句:since从句中一般用过去时,如果将前边的is改为was,则since从句中用过去完成时。

3be about to do…when…: 意为“即将…(这时)突然…”。

(4)be(was/were)+doing…when…: 意为“正在干…(这时)突然…”。

(5)Hardly/Scarcely had…done…when…; No sooner had…done…than…, when和than从句里用一般过去时,表示“刚刚…就…”。





2. 对语境的理解能力:我们在弄清说话者的字面意义的基础上,还必须能够深层理解,看出言外之意,作出正确选择。

3. 扎实的词汇知识:一方面必须能正确辨别词汇的意义及感情色彩;另一方面必须掌握词汇的正确搭配及习惯或固定结构。

4. 牢固的语法知识:我们必须掌握牢固的英语语言基础知识,对各种语言现象能用所学的知识进行科学的解释。

1. ----What about____ passage?

  ----It’s too difficult____ passage for me.

A. a, a        B. a, the               C. the, a               D. the, the

2. ----How is your grandmother?  ----She____ for many years.

A. died       B. has died   C. has been died       D. has been dead

3. ----Why is the boy crying there?  ----Because____ his father.

A. being scolded by               B. scolding

C. of scolding                        D. of being scolded by

4. ----What do you think make Jenny unhappy and worried?

  ----____ her new PC.

A. Because she lost                B. Lost      

C. As a result of losing          D. Losing

5. ----Could I borrow your motor bike?  ----Yes, of course, you____.

A. might     B. could               C. can                  D. should

6. ----Can I help you, sir? 

----Yes. I bought this radio her yesterday, but it____.

A. didn’t   B. won’t work     C. can’t work      D. doesn’t work

7. I like____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this        B. that                  C. it                     D. one

8. ----You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?

  ----____. How I wish to go there!

A. Yes, I have                        B. Yes, I haven’t

C. No, I have                         D. No, I haven’t

9. ----Your phone number again? I____ quite catch it.

  ----It’s 9568442.

A. didn’t   B. couldn’t          C. don’t               D. can’t

10. ----Will $200____?

   ----I’m afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars.

A. count     B. satisfy             C. fit                    D. do

11. He came home after midnight, and____, he got drunk.

A. worse still                         B. that means

C. what’s the matter               D. what else

12. You can, ____, come to join us in the singing programme.

A. if you happy                      B. when you possible

C. if you please                      D. when you necessary

13. Mr Smith, ____ of the____ speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired, boring                      B. tiring, bored

C. was tired, bored                 D. was tiring, boring

14. I have a lot of books, half of____ novels.

A. which    B. that                  C. whom             D. them

1-5 CDDDC       6-10 DCDAD     11-14 ACAD


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